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Priestleys use of dramatic techniques to create tension in An Inspector Calls :: English Literature

Inspect Priestley's utilization of sensational strategies to make pressure in the play. Holy was a communist author, and 'An I...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How To Create Content That Converts (With Happiness)

How To Create Content That Converts (With Happiness) Do people spend more money if they are happy or if they are sad? There is a tendency to avoid negativity in headlines and copy, although there are times when negative headlines are actually more powerful. Generally, though, the more common approach is to avoid negativity when creating our content. But should we? Are we doing the right thing by keeping our copy positive? How To Create Content That Converts By Writing Your Reader Happy #contentmarketing viaNot every reader is motivated to act by the same thing all of the time. Exclusivity, the offer itself, the color of the button, the quality of the persuasive argument- they all matter at some point, too. But how we make the reader feel does have an impact on whether they will buy, but it might not be in the way you think. How Mood Affects Buying Behavior Let's go back and revisit that opening question: Do people spend money (or, in your case, convert) if they are happy or if they are sad? As individuals, we often go shopping when we are down. Sad shoppers tend to spend more, and people who are in a  grumpy mood actually feel better after shopping (at least until the bills arrive), and a foul or depressed mood often leads to more impulse buying. Sad shoppers spend more. Here's how happy content sells. #contentmarketingOn the other hand, after a national tragedy, do you feel like shopping? Do you like seeing tweets that talk about being a consumer during such a time? Our mood, as an individual, makes us want to buy to alleviate sad feelings. But when we are a part of a sad group as a whole, buying is the last thing we want to do. It feels wrong. But hold on- that's not all. Consumer confidence is something we measure that shows when consumers are confident (and upbeat), the economy of the nation will increase. Consumer confidence is correlated with retail sales, which is different from cause and effect but effectively shows how our mood has a connection to our impulse to buy. Consumer confidence is that special mix where a person feels pretty good about the state of the economy and their own personal financial state. So, you could summarize it as follows: A sad  individual might use retail therapy to improve the mood in the moment. A grumpy individual  makes impulse purchases to break out of a rut. A sad group does not want to make purchases at all. Confidence inspires people to buy. Why does shopping seem to attract people who aren't at the top of their emotions? Distractions and the suggestion of hope, probably. That's what buying often does, when it is for something that isn't a need. While you can't control the mood of your reader, remember that an alleviation of worries and sadness is the attraction, here, and that if your copy can tap into that, you'll get your reader to convert. Your #content should alleviate worries and sadness. That's how  to get readers to convert.How To Create A Positive Mood In Your Writing When you visit a store and approach a salesclerk for help as you make your buying decision, does their attitude have an effect on you? For me, if they are negative, down, grumpy- I'm less likely to complete the current sale or, even if I do, I probably won't come back. When you create content with a conversion (i.e. sale) in mind, your content is the salesclerk. How do you make sure your salesclerk is happy? 1. Highlight the desirable behavior. Blogger Bushra Azhar wrote, on the Copyhackers blog, that highlighting desirable behavior leads to positive action. She found that, particularly in the use of social proof in your copy, that framing that proof in a negative way inspired the wrong reaction. A study done by two National Parks found that copy that highlighted the negative caused the very behavior they had hoped to stop. Azhar went on to discover other similar examples, pointing out that careless negative copy could even cause the bystander effect in your reader, that curious situation where we don't help victims if others are around us. Too much negative copy can also make people feel that the situation is hopeless. Write copy that states the behavior you want. "Please click the blue button" is, however uninspired, better copy than "9 out of 10 people won't click the blue button." When your readers see that, they probably think "heck, if 90 percent of people won't click, I'm not going to. All of those people can't be wrong." And that's social proof, swinging around and biting you in the behind. This is a tricky to do, if you are trying to create exclusivity. But create your exclusivity in a way that doesn't get social proof going against you. "9 out of 10 people miss out on this opportunity. But you don't have to." 2. Tell readers what can be, not what should be. You've experienced it. When you read a blog post full of "don'ts" and "shoulds", you likely feel, after a while, that there's no point bothering. Language that suggests, even if unintentionally, that we are hopeless does not make a reader super giddy to latch onto your product. The "shoulds", especially, are wearing after a while. Think about the internal conversations you have in your head. "I shouldn't have eaten that." "I should pay that bill." "I should exercise more." "I should be a harder worker." It goes on and on and after a while, you feel mostly like a failure and quite anxious that you're never going to catch up and do all the things you should do. You most certainly don't need a blog post filled with a pile of "shoulds" to add to the load. Yet, your copy is doing that, isn't it? It's telling readers what they should do. Again, this is all about the language you use. How can you tell someone what they should do without reminding them of the "shoulds" already running through their head? Find another word. It's that easy. If you write a sentence with the word "should" in it, find another way to write it. Find another word. Use the implied "you." Cut the word "should" out totally by relying on the implied you. Look at #3 below. Instead of "you should tap into consumer confidence", I simply wrote "tap into consumer confidence." Such a subtle thing, but it helps. Balance what is and what should be. I hate to write a post that is all about what the reader should do. I try to find a mix, whether that means starting with some research and proof to prime the pump, or an introduction of another nature. Can you provide the reader with the confidence that they have what it takes to balance out that they are missing something? You should. (heh.) 3. Tap into that consumer confidence. If confidence inspires a nation to buy, personal confidence can prompt your reader to do the same. Are you creating confident readers? Here's a quick checklist to see if you are: Copy full of caveats. Is your copy full of caveats, those words and phrases that let you back out of a stance if you lose face? Do you find yourself using "I think" or "Maybe" or "Possibly" or "I believe" or any other word that allows you to say something bold while also leaving weak wiggle room? Have you ever used the defense, when called on something you said, that "I just said it's what I believe, not that it's always true"? Because that isn't copy that inspires confidence. After prolonged exposure to these filler words, the reader sees you as almost apologetic about your ideas. Write in confidence, and remember to cut out these words when editing. Skip the preface and state your idea boldly. You walk your talk. You may be writing lots of helpful content on how to be a better this and an awesome that, but do you live those words yourself? A reader might not know if you don't, but it does show in both your blog copy as well as in the ensuing comments section. There's nothing worse than reading a great post about how to organize your life and then asking the author if it has worked, only to hear "I don't actually know...I don't use this method." Find testimonials and experts. While  testimonials aren't  appropriate for all copy, you should use them  to show that what you are talking about is true. Or, find research or experts that can support your findings so that the reader feels confidence not only from the outside expert, but from a wee bit of social proof ("it's not just the author that says this- others do, too!"). Just as a newspaper reporter must find people to quote to show that the report is not fabricated, you should do the same in your copy. Show with video. I'm a sucker for infomercials, because when they show how the amazing product works right there on the screen, I'm completely convinced. Depending upon what you're writing about, use video and photographs to show that yes, this is really the truth. Confident readers are trusting readers, and trusting readers convert. Confident readers are trusting readers, and trusting readers convert. #contentmarketing4. Write with high energy. High energy (without slipping into freakish psycho making people back away slowly) makes the sale. The lack of high energy kills great copy. What do you think is the biggest killer of copy energy?  My vote goes for passive voice. Sometimes, passive voice happens. It is acceptable when the person/thing acted on needs attention, or when the actor does not. Or, maybe you know the action and need to convey it in your copy, but don't know who did it. You can't find the facts. And so, you resort to "the bottle was filled" because you don't want to say "Jane filled the bottle" if you don't know if she did or not. Passive voice exists for a reason. But continuous use of passive voice leads to a kind of dry and almost academic copy. That is not high energy. Consider the following paragraph, and how it makes you feel when you read it. The solution is made clear. These tips are given to you by me. The copy should be carefully considered by you. This post is hopefully enjoyed by our readers. No action. No energy. The solution is clear. I gave you these tips. You should consider this copy carefully. Our readers enjoy this post. Much better. How else do you write with high energy? Use action words instead of adjectives. Inject cacophony into your copy. Vary sentence and paragraph length. Read your post out loud before publishing to see how it sounds and feels, if it seems to slow in parts or if it moves along at a crisp, clear pace. Those slow parts will need editing. How Will You Write Content That Converts? People spend money when they need a distraction or a pick-me-up. They also spend money when they are confident that they have it to spend and that they won't find themselves in trouble for doing it. Let your copy inspire confidence and hope so that your readers are inspired to buy no matter what range their mood is in.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Womens Heart Attack Symptoms Differ from Mens

How Women's Heart Attack Symptoms Differ from Men's Research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicates that women often experience new or different physical symptoms as long as a month or more before experiencing heart attacks. Among the 515 women studied, 95% said they knew their symptoms were new or different a month or more before experiencing their heart attack, or Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI). The symptoms most commonly reported were unusual fatigue (70.6%), sleep disturbance (47.8%), and shortness of breath (42.1%). Many women never had chest pains Surprisingly, fewer than 30% reported having chest pain or discomfort prior to their heart attacks, and 43% reported have no chest pain during any phase of the attack. Most doctors, however, continue to consider chest pain as the most important heart attack symptom in both women and men. The 2003 NIH study, titled Womens Early Warning Symptoms of AMI, is one of the first to investigate womens experience with heart attacks, and how this experience differs from mens. Recognition of symptoms that provide an early indication of heart attack, either imminently or in the near future, is critical to forestalling or preventing the disease. In a NIH press release, Jean McSweeney, PhD, RN, Principal Investigator of the study at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, said, Symptoms such as indigestion, sleep disturbances, or weakness in the arms, which many of us experience on a daily basis, were recognized by many women in the study as warning signals for AMI. Because there was considerable variability in the frequency and severity of symptoms, she added, we need to know at what point these symptoms help us predict a cardiac event. Womens symptoms not as predictable According to Patricia A.Grady, PhD, RN, Director of the NINR: Increasingly, it is evident that womens symptoms are not as predictable as mens. This study offers hope that both women and clinicians will realize the wide range of symptoms that can indicate heart attack. It is important not to miss the earliest possible opportunity to prevent or ease AMI, which is the number one cause of death in both women and men. The womens major symptoms prior to their heart attack included: Unusual fatigue - 70%Sleep disturbance - 48%Shortness of breath - 42%Indigestion - 39%Anxiety - 35% Major symptoms during the heart attack include: Shortness of breath - 58%Weakness - 55%Unusual fatigue - 43%Cold sweat - 39%Dizziness - 39% Related NIH research into heart attacks in women includes possible ethnic and racial differences.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Systems of Power, Expertise and Their Relation to Listening in The Essay

Systems of Power, Expertise and Their Relation to Listening in The 1991 Film The Doctor - Essay Example The opening scene of the movie provides a case study for one extreme form of listening – that in the operating room, which has definite needs and interesting power imbalances which stem from several distinct sources of responsibility and power which operate in the room. A close examination of the opening scene of The Doctor can demonstrate an extreme setting and system of listening, which creates a significant power imbalance and could be rectified through small changes in environment and participation. One of the most commonly analyzed listening environments is the listener-focused on. This kind of listening environment focuses heavily on the listener’s perspective and opinion of the interaction (Brownell 40). This kind of environment features such things as school presentations, speeches, business presentations or marriage proposals. The opening scene of The Doctor features the polar opposite of this listening environment – rather than focusing on what the list ener hears, this scene nearly entirely concentrates on what the speaker says significantly discounting other voices or perceptions. The opening scene takes place in an operating room, where there is essentially only one speaker who completely dominates the speaking and listening environment. The main surgeon controls everything about the environment – frequently changing what kind of ambient noise is occurring (telling others to turn music on and off, for instance) and communicating based solely on his own perceptions of need. The listeners in this environment are supposed to be completely passive in terms of communication, and simply react silently to orders barked by the main surgeon – in the only instance when someone tries to make him the listener, by telling him that he has a time limit, the doctor fails to respond, or acknowledge that he has heard what is being said. This pattern continues in doctor-everyone else relations throughout the entire course of the movi e, and one of the most interesting aspects of the film is the shift the main character, Jack MacKee, experiences the shift from being solely a doctor to also being a patient with cancer.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

East Germany from 1980 until the end Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

East Germany from 1980 until the end - Essay Example The policies made to overcome structural problems led to the collapse of the economy. The policies aimed at centralizing the economy did not have a positive impact. This made the problems harder to solve, making it necessary for West Germany to bail out the economy. Market orientation problems were solved but the original structural problems were not. This has made it difficult for East Germany to match output levels in West Germany. The stagnation in East Germany began when the monetary union overvalued the East German mark, leading to the decrease of the price of capital stock and the increase in labor cost per unit. Competition also faced a serious downfall. Funds that were given to alleviate private households and to heighten the investment sector were channeled to many other sectors, hence economic expansion became difficult. The public was given ill advice on areas of investment, and, therefore, production levels were reduced. Unemployment increased, leading to high public budg ets. The Federal Government spent on arrears to unify finance, thus increasing inflation tendencies. The Bundesbank tried to reduce inflation by raising interest rates. There was a negative impact on international competition, which slowed down the process of adaptation. Transparency in the East German was lost due to linguistic deceit (Markovits 189). Regulations that were set to cover up legal realities by the use of words became a recognized practice. East Germany has not yet found a solution to the problems brought by the communist system. Many people who lived around the Berlin area were affected by the division of the economy. Most of them worked in the West but resided in the East. Social control became low among these people, leading to the increase in the nonstandard behaviors. Antisocial behaviors caused violence even on football grounds (Dennis and LaPorte 137). Mortality rates were increasing at a steady pace, leading to an increase in life expectancy (Kronenberg 14). In the past, many people died in road accidents due to the social changes. Restrictions concerning personal freedoms were made to solve the problem. Local regulations were the basis of the foundation of civil legislation. The regulations in the set code books only applied to the region which did not have local regulations. East Germany also had policies that tried to break the link between marriage and childbirth. Single mothers were paid when they were on a one year leave, but this only applied to the first child. The leave scheme only applied to the single mothers. There was a rise in nonmarital births, because the policy encouraged many to push their marriage programs forward. Many women opted to bear their first children out of wedlock to enjoy the leave scheme. It was in 1986 that the scheme also applied to mothers who bore their first children after marriage. In the Eastern region, rates of nonmarital fertility were higher than in the Western region (Knapp, Madden, and Fowler-Ke rry 210). The average age of women by the time they gave birth was lower in East Germany. The region did not have strict restrictions concerning marriage. Regulations that were made were inspired by the needs of children. A man who made a woman pregnant had the responsibility of giving the woman compensation and taking care the child. The constitution of the region also stated that it was not wrong to be born by a nonmarried couple. The Church in Europe tried to inform

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanism Essay Example for Free

Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanism Essay Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanism of International Oil Price Rise: The Indian Situation In this Article, an effort has been made to trace the impact of an increase in international oil prices on Indian economy outlining the various transmission mechanisms. These transmission mechanisms take into account some of the important macroeconomic relationships, as relevant to the Indian context, and the administered nature of domestic oil price in India. The three broad channels through which the international oil prices impact the macroeconomy are identified as the (a) Import channel, (b) Price channel and (c) The fiscal channel. (a) A rise in international price of oil will translate to higher import bill for oil for the net oil importing countries like India (see, Table 1 and 2). Under the reasonable assumption of low price elasticity of demand for oil, ceteris paribus, the trade balance will worsen due to an increase in international oil price. Rise in inflation due to increase in oil prices means that the growth in real GDP is even lower. The compression in aggregate domestic demand dampens growth. In figure 1, the import channel is indicated by the link from international oil prices to current account balance to nominal GDP. Although managed float, the nominal exchange rate in India is observed to be determined solely by the capital account and not by the current account in the present Indian context. The second order adjustment to higher import bill and worsened trade balance occurs only through contraction in aggregate demand and decline in imports and it does not occur through movements in exchange rate (depreciation). Finally, it is expected that the slowdown in economic growth would subsequently reduce the demand for imports which, in turn, would partially mitigate the adverse impact of high international oil prices on trade balance. (b) The price channel links the international prices to domestic inflation. For a typical developing country like India facing an oil price hike in the international market, an unhindered pass-through of oil price increase leads to a jump in the general price level on account of direct use of oil at higher prices plus increase in costs of production of final goods using oil as an input. Modelling the passthrough of oil prices through an input-output system, Jha and Mundle (1987) estimated that in India if the administered prices of crude oil, gas and petroleum products increase by 7 percent, the overall WPI increases by 1 percent (i.e. the total elasticity to be 0.14). Recently the Reserve Bank of India (2011) has estimated that every 10 percent increase in global crude prices, if fully passed through to domestic prices, could have a direct impact of 1 percentage point increase in overall WPI inflation and the total impact could be about 2 percentage points over time as input cost increases translate to higher output prices across sectors. Greater the share of fuel in total consumption basket, larger would be the influence of international commodity prices on inflation. (see, Table 2 for other empirical studies relating to India) In India, a large proportion of the international oil price increase has traditionally been absorbed by the government (and shared with public sector oil producing and retailing companies). The objectives for regulation of price of oil have been three-fold: (a) To protect the domestic economy from volatility in international oil prices ; . (b) To provide merit goods to all households, e.g., clean cooking fuels like LPG, natu ral gas and kerosene to replace use of biomass-based fuels such as firewood and dung; and (c) To protect poor consumers so that they may obtain kerosene (through PDS) and LPG at affordable rates. In the recent years, there has been a change in the oil pricing policy with a move towards market determined oil prices. The extent of price regulation varies across products in the oil basket, with minimum control existing for petrol and very little pass-through for LPG and kerosene. The domestic price of oil is administered, which is essentially a policy decision, and thereby determines the degree of pass-through of the change in international prices to domestic oil prices. In figure 1, the price channel is indicated by the link from international oil prices to increase in administered prices to WPI inflation. (c) The third channel of transmission of oil price shock considered here is the fiscal channel. In the absence of a complete pass-through, an international oil price Increase will raise the subsidy on oil and therefore the revenue expenditure of the government. Furthermore, in India, the oil prices are subsidised, but they also generate substantial tax revenues both for the centre and the states because of an increase in ad valorem tax collections on oil and petroleum products that would have to be netted out to arrive at the net addition to oil subsidy given by the government.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Personality Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychology covers a huge field and one interesting aspect of it is personality. Personality by itself involves various issues. Some aspects are Psychoanalytic, Ego, Biological, Behaviorist, Cognitive, Trait, and Humanistic. Different types of behaviors are amazing to learn about, mainly the behavior therapy, collective behavior, crime and punishment, and Social behavior and peer acceptance in children. I chose Behaviorism over the other aspects because I believe behavior determines human personality and is very interesting. You can tell what one is by his behavior, and one behaves according to what place he has in society. By doing this paper on Behavior, I hope to get a better understanding of, if behavior develops a personality or if personality guides behavior. I also see behaviorism helping me in the future with my personal and professional career by understanding human personality and behavior better than I do. No matter what your major is , if you can determine one's personality by his behavior you can really get your work done from that person and understand the better than you would otherwise. This person could be your employee or your employer. Behavior Therapy Behavior therapy is the application of experimentally derived principles of learning to the treatment of psychological disorders. The concept derives primarily from work of Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov. Behavior-therapy techniques differ from psychiatric methods, particularly psychoanalysis, in that they are predominately symptom (behavior) oriented and shows little or no concern for unconscious processes, achieving new insight, or effecting fundamental personality change. The U.S. psychologist B.F. Skinner, who worked with mental patients in a Massachusetts State hospital, popularized behavior therapy. From his work in animal learning, Skinner found that the establishment and extinction of responses can be determined by the way reinforces, or rewards, are given. The pattern of reward giving, both in time and frequency, is known as a schedule of reinforcement. The gradual change in behavior in approximation of the desired result is known as shaping. More recent developments in behavior therapy emphasize the adaptive nature of cognitive processes. Behavior-therapy techniques have been applied with some success to such disturbances as enuresis (bed-wetting), tics, phobias, stutteri... ...nvolving children to learn social acceptance showed us clearly how one behaves makes him what he is. I believe the same for adults. I believe if one behaves in a certain way for a long time, not only society with believe you are what you are behaving as but he himself will start believing he is what he is behaving as. Also I have learned to be more patient with people because I take a step in the further and think why a person would behave in a particular way. I now can see a clear difference between normal and abnormal behaviors. Benjamin, L. S. (1982). Use of structural analysis of social behavior (SASB) to guide intervention in psychotherapy. In J. C. Anchin & D. J. Kiesler (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal psychotherapy (pp. 190-212). New York: Pergamon. Benis A.M. Toward Self & Sanity: On the Genetic Origins of the Human Character. Psychological Dimensions Publishers, New York, 1985 http://pmc.psych.nwu.edu/personality.html Carson, R. C. (1969). Interaction concepts of personality. Chicago: Aldine Gurtman, M. B. (1992b). Trust, distrust, and interpersonal problems: A circumplex analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62, 989-1002.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The article talks about animal rights

The article talks about animal rights. The writer illustrates both argument, for and against, in his article. The writer starts by explaining the meaning of animal rights, which includes no experimenting, breeding, killing animals and no zoos or using animals for entertaining. The people for animal rights argue that both human beings and adult mammals have rights because they are both ‘subjects-of-a-life’. On the other hand, the people against animal rights argue that animals don’t think, not conscious. Also animals these people argue that animals were put on earth to serve human beings.This view comes originally from the Bible, but probably reflects a basic human attitude towards other species. Christian theologians developed this idea – St Augustine taught that â€Å"by a most just ordinance of the Creator, both their [animals'] life and their death are subject to our use. † They also argue that animals don’t have souls as Christian theologi ans used to teach that only being with souls deserved ethical consideration. In addition, animals don’t behave morally and are not the members of the ‘moral community’.The arguments goes, why should human beings have obligations towards animals, if animals don't have obligations to other animals or to human beings? I agree that animals should have rights. In my opinion, animals are also like humans, they should also be given certain among of rights and respect. However, I think that the rights should be limited, as animals are not like human. They lacking in the ability to judge right or wrong and may behave immorally. Therefore, if full rights are given to animals, it may be rather ironic; imagine punishing a dog for biting someone in the court.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pros and Cons of Managed Care

Care Some of the pros for managed care are; Preventive care — HMOs pay for programs, they are set up and are intended at keeping one healthy (yearly checkups, gym memberships, etc. )The idea is, so they won't have to pay for more costly services when and if one gets sick. Lower premiums — Because there are limits set as to which doctors one can see and when one can see them, HMOs charge a premium and usually they are lower premiums.Prescriptions — As part of their precautionary retreat, most prescriptions are covered by HMOs for a co-payment that also can be very low. Fewer unnecessary procedures —doctors are given financial incentives from HMOs , to provide only needed care, so doctors are less likely to order costly test or surgeries that one does not need. Limited paperwork — While healthcare professionals and facilities have more paperwork, under managed care, HMO members usually only has to show their membership card and pay a very low co-payme nt.Some of the cons for managed are; Limited doctor groups — To keep financial burdens down, HMOs tell one which doctors’ one can see, including specialized fields. Restricted coverage — one cannot expect care on command because ones primary-care physician must justify the need based on what benefits ones plan covers. Prior approval needed — If one would like to see a specialized doctor or go to the emergency room, one would need permission from their main physician.Possibility of under treatment — Because of the incentives given doctors to limit care, the doctor may try to hold back on good care management he would give. Compromised privacy — HMOs use patient records to keep an eye on doctors' performance and efficiency, so particulars of one’s medical history could be seen by other people. Getting medical care used to be thought of as trouble-free. One would go to the physician of their choice, get great care and their health insura nce would cover the cost of seeing the physician and cover tests needed.These networks should stand for better earth care for less money. But as they work hard to keep out of pocket expenses down, the scary tales it causes are frightening: â€Å"drive-by† mastectomies, when women are not allowed facility stays after harrowing breast removal; As network bureaucrats who deny a claim for coverage to the emergency room when heart attacks turn out to be indigestion; doctors who get year-end payoffs to give constraining care and don't communicate to patients about better costly treatments.Those against managed care aren't so kind. It can be said that the system that once commended physicians for working too much for the patient now, are given an incentive for doing a lot less. â€Å"The incentive now is to put bounds on care,† says (Dr. Donald Hanscom, a Beverly gynecologist. ) â€Å"Everything is money. â€Å"After a decade of wining and dining the public with lower premi ums and a wider spectrum of benefits, the inexperienced period for managed care is noticeably over. Those opposed are uneasy by the idea of unethically abuse.They are apprehensive members, many are not getting the care needed, the specialists they want, or the coverage one should get to have, especially in health urgencies. They also are concerned about issues that come up that have plagued the healthcare system elsewhere in the nation, such as stifling guidelines set up that keep doctors from suggesting more costly treatment choices. Although they say their far reaching goal is to provide a greater healthcare, the business has brought forth an unwelcoming talk that seems to challenge that.Patients who choose a doctor that does not participate in a â€Å"The† network, either at their own expense or with restricted coverage by the network, are considered â€Å"leakage. † Doctors who go against the networks system to get better treatment for their patients sometimes risk being blackballed out of and the network. It's reassuring to know that some networks are doing a good job, but lawmakers are dealing with a weary opposition that isn't frightened by what the nation thinks. Those up on the hill have responded with a charge of state and national bills pointed at bringing in a booming healthcare industry that's pretty much free-for-all.For their part, the networks don't see what the entire objection is about. They say productiveness and peoples request will keep their guidelines just and within ones means. â€Å"The networks are trying not only for cost, but also for class and peoples’ satisfaction. It's a patron service industry when you get right down to it. The network points to their absolute success in bringing down costs and keeping the mass of network enrollees happy. Each month people across the nation join a network, so it's plain that, Network care is here to stay in one shape or another.Those against and those rooting for that of ma naged care agree that the existence of unconstrained health care on demand is declining. As health care costs push very high yearly, some say it's time for all to comprehend that the medical healthcare industry has financial restrictions just like any other industry. â€Å"People have been brought up to believe that health care is an entitlement,† says (Jeanne Holland, executive director of Northeast Physicians-Hospital Organization) at Beverly Hospital. They think ‘Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and health care on demand. ‘ Consumers need to change their thinking. â€Å"Resources http://ask. reference. com/related/History+of+Managed+Care? o=102545&qsrc=121&l=dir, Retrieved, October 26, 2010 http://www. ecnnews. com/hlth/manintro. htm, Retrieved, October 26, 2010 http://ezinearticles. com/? Health-Insurance-Types, Retrieved, October 26, 2010 http://www. senioranswers. org/Pages/prosandcons. htm, Retrieved, October 26, 2010

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Albinism essays

Albinism essays Albinism is a rare inherited defect in melanin metabolism. Albinism can affect two things, the skin and eyes which is called oculocutaneous albinism or just the eyes which is ocular albinism. The word "albinism" refers to a group of inherited conditions. People with albinism have little or no pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair. They have inherited genes that do not make the usual amounts of a pigment called melanin. One person in 17,000 in the U.S.A. has some type of albinism. Albinism affects people from all races. Most children with albinism are born to parents who have normal hair and eye color for their ethnic backgrounds. Often people do not recognize that they have albinism. (NOAH). Oculocutaneous albinism is from autosomal recessive inheritance; ocular albinism is from an X-linked recessive trait that causes hypopigmentation. In the United States both types of albinism are more common in blacks then in whites, Native Americans have a high incidence of the tyrosine-positive form (1 in 140 to 240). Infants with albinism may behave as if they are not seeing during the first weeks of life and gradually become visually attentive. This is now a well-documented condition. For X-linked inheritance, the gene for albinism is located on an X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, while males only have one X and one Y chromosome. This X-linked albinism occurs exclusively in males. The gene is passed from mothers who carry it to their sons. The mothers have subtle eye changes which an ophthalmogist could identigy, but mothers usually have normal vision. For each son born to a mother who carries the gene, there is one in two chance of having X-linked ocular albinism. The description is hereditary deficiency pigmentation. This could involve the entire body or part of the body. This is believed to be caused by an enzyme deficiency involving the metabolism of melanin during prenatal development. If a person has albinism then they ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quotes

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quotes The curtains close. With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the famous epic of wizardry and magic finally ends. J. K. Rowling takes us, Muggles, for one last magical tour into Harry Potters world. The book ends with a climax that reaches a feverish pitch. If you havent yet grabbed a copy of the book, you are missing a lot. For the rest of the die-hard Harry Potter fans, take a trip to fantasy land, with these Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows quotes. Spoiler warning: These quotes might reveal parts of the story. Albus DumbledoreOf course, it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?Ron Weasley(with regard to Peeves singing his victory song) That really captures the scope and tragedy of the thing, doesnt it?(Engraved on Dobbys grave)Here lies Dobby, a free elf.Luna LovegoodI think the answer is: a circle that has no beginning.Hermione GrangerMudblood, and proud of it!PeevesWe did it, we bashed them, wee Potters the one,And Voldys gone moldy, so now lets have fun!Sirius Black[On being asked if dying hurt] Dying? Not at all. Quicker and easier than falling asleep.VoldemortThat Potter lives is due more to my errors, than to his triumphs... I have been careless, and so have been thwarted by luck and chance, those wreckers of all but the best-laid plans. But I know better now. I understand those things that I did not understand before. I must be the one to kill Harry Potter, and I shall be.Albus DumbledoreIt is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well. Dudley Dursley(to Harry) I dont think youre a waste of space.Albus DumbledoreDo not pity the dead, Harry, pity the living. Above all, pity those who live without love. By returning you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed and fewer families are torn apart. If that seems to you a worthy goal, then we say goodbye for the present.Hermione GrangerWands are only as powerful as the wizards who use them. Some wizards just like to boast that theirs are bigger and better than other peoples.Albus DumbledorePower was my weakness and my temptation.Luna Lovegood(after McGonagall says Lord Voldemort is attacking) Ooh! We can say that name now?Albus DumbledoreThat which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to understand. Of house-elves and childrens tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped.(Engraved on Rowena Ravenclaws diadem) Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure. Ronald WeasleyAlls fair in love and war, and this is a bit of both.Mr. OllivanderThe wand chooses the wizard, that much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore.Harry Potter(to Ron and Hermione kissing) Oi! Theres a war going on here!Ron Weasley(referring to Draco Malfoys son) Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mothers brains.Fred WeasleyFor instance, this new idea that You-Know-Who can kill with a single glance from his eyes. Thats a Basilisk, listeners. One simple test, check whether the thing thats glaring at you has got legs. If it has, its safe to look into its eyes, although if it really is You-Know-Who, thats still likely to be the last thing you ever do.(Engraved on the Potters grave)The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Macroeconomic risk and financial risk to the financial system in Research Paper

Macroeconomic risk and financial risk to the financial system in developed countries - Research Paper Example Discussions Public Debt Nature of the risk Public debt means the amount of money which the government of any country owes to its creditors ; both foreign and domestic. The total debt for OECD countries has risen from 73 % of the GDP in 2007 to 106 % of the GDP in 2012 (OECD 2011).There are some developed countries like Greece , Italy and Portugal and Japan which have had historically higher level of debt. However the worry is that even countries like USA and UK are have now levels of debt which may be unsustainable in the long run. The debt level of United States has risen from 60 % in 2006 to 109% in 2012.The Euro zone is already suffering from the debt crisis and no immediate solution to the problem seems to be in sight. Causes of the risk The first question which comes to mind is reasons due to which high public debt exists. The simple reason for the high debt situation is because government of a country spends more than it earns. Public Debt can actually boost long term growth of the economy if it is used in building productive assets like infrastructure which invite more investment and increases the GDP of the country. However the problem in the developed countries has been that increasing amount of debt has been used to finance non productive activities. United States has been engaged in the decade long war on terrorism which has led to increased military spending and thus higher debt. High levels of pension and social security have been blamed for the Euro zone crisis which is again an unproductive spending (Sanderatne). The immediate reason for the debt levels of developed world to raise post 2006 has been the financial crisis of 2008 and the stimulus packages given by governments to bail out banks and to kick-start the economy (OECD 2011). The US government provided a fiscal stimulus package of $831billion.The problem could have been solved if this stimulus led to an increased growth but the world suffered from a double dip recession which has caused t he developed countries to be in a precarious situation – GDP levels still remain low and the countries have a high debt on their hands. Consequences of High Public Debt High public debt has shown to have impact on the following areas – private savings , public investment , total factor productivity and the real interest rates. When government borrows more, it means that there is limited amount of money available to private investors which leads to lower private investment, lower growth of industries and thus lower employment and wages (Checherita and Rother.). Studies conducted by various researchers such as Manmohan Kumar and Jaejoon Woo for the IMF illustrate that once countries breach the 90 % level of debt , their GDP growth declines by as much as 30 %.Similar results have been obtained by studies which were conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research (Kumar and Woo.). Debt taken by the government also